About Pike County Schools
The school system manages five schools; two high schools, two elementary schools, one PreK-8 unit school, the Troy-Pike Regional Center for Technology, and the Center for Advanced Academics and Accelerated Learning (aka CA³L). One elementary school and one high school each is located in Goshen and in Brundidge. The PreK-8 unit school is located in Banks, Alabama. The Troy-Pike Regional Center for Technology is located in Troy, Alabama and serves both county high schools as well as, Charles Henderson High School. The Center for Advanced Academics and Accelerated Learning serves all of the students within Pike County Schools that attend an Academy program.
The school system employees 188 professional staff members. Sixty percent (60%) have advanced degrees (Masters and above); eight percent (8%) have advanced degrees above the Masters level. The school system also employs 17 instructional aides, 20 custodial workers, 37 bus drivers, 4 maintenance workers, 2 mechanics, 17 secretarial/bookkeeper workers, 23 child nutrition workers, and five under the category of other. These include three school nurses, a job developer/job coach, and a Community Outreach Specialist.
The mission of Pike County Schools is to provide excellence in education, producing graduates ready for college, careers, and life-long success. With an unwavering commitment to STEM education, the Pike County Board of Education ensures that students are equipped with the critical skills and knowledge needed to excel in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; thereby empowering them for success in our ever-evolving world.
- Maintaining high expectations and performance standards for all students and adults.
- Ensuring academic accountability, fiscal responsibility, and clear communication.
- Initiating and sustaining effective collaboration with families, community agencies, and business-industry partners.
- Engaging in research to provide innovative instruction, proficient technology use, and expanded student opportunities.
- Delivering friendly and courteous service in safe, clean, well-maintained schools.
An official county school system was established with the 1854 Alabama Bill which provided for public education, but appropriations were small for some time after the Civil War. Consequently, Pike County continued with one-teacher schools and private academies through the 1870's, most of which were church-affiliated. Education for the masses was simply not available until early in the 20th century.
From 1880 until 1890, five-month school terms were the normal period of attendance in Pike County. Some 65 one-teacher schools were operating, each under the control of three trustees elected by the patrons. The trustees handled all of the business of the school, and sent monthly reports to the County Superintendent of Education who disbursed the available state and county funds. A "principal teacher," often working with no additional remuneration, was also appointed for every school.
Abijah Haley served the year of 1885 as Superintendent, and managed to consolidate some fourteen schools in Troy into two white and two Negro institutions. The State Normal School of Troy was founded in 1887, and the city of Troy established a separate school system in 1888.
The Alabama Constitution of 1901 provided a state-wide tax to be allocated to pay teacher salaries. Pike County teachers received $350.00 for a five-month term. A Constitutional Amendment in 1915 allowed counties to levy additional school taxes, and a six-month school term was established.
By 1917 there were 68 separate schools in the Pike County system, none with more than two teachers. In spite of stiff opposition to the consolidation of rural schools, the first consolidate institution was finally erected in 1919 at Shiloh.
The 1927 Equalization Fund established county-wide high school systems throughout Alabama and mandated a minimum term of seven months for elementary schools and nine months for secondary schools. By 1931, eleven Pike County schools were consolidated. At that time there were two accredited high schools in the system - Goshen and Pike County High - both for white students. There were 35 other exclusively white schools and 39 Negro schools. A 1947 progress report indicated three county districts with a school term of nine months, and teacher salaries which ranged from $130 to $235 per month.
The Henderson Education Association, established by the estate-in-trust of Charles Henderson, a former governor of Alabama and a Pike County native, had a profound effect on educational progress in Pike County. Pike County school buildings constructed with thee funds include: Spring Hill (1957), the Pike County High School gymnasium (1964) and Junior Building (1967), Goshen High School (1961), the Pike County High addition (1963), the Goshen High School addition (1964), and a building at Banks (1974) for which approximately two-thirds of the funds were provided by the trust. The Troy-Pike Vocational School (later renamed Troy-Pike Regional Center for Technology), was also partially constructed with a small percentage deriving from Henderson funds. Without these funds, the school system would not have been able to provide the revenue needed to construct direly needed buildings for its student clientele due to low levels of local tax support.
The governance and administration of the Pike County Schools has been under a system of elected board members and a currently appointed superintendent of education. The board of education was originally comprised of five members elected at-large from the county as a whole. The first black member of the board was Mr. Moses Davenport from Brundidge who was appointed in 1984 to replace Mr. Jim Medley who resigned when he moved out of state. There have been numerous long-term board members who have served 16 years or more, including Mr. Wilson D. Folmar from Goshen, Mrs. Mary Alyce Sanders of Goshen, Mrs. Linda Steed of Brundidge, and Mr. Knox Ryals of Brundidge, to list a few.
In 1986, the system moved from a five-member board to a six-member board in order to comply with a federal court order mandating black representation on all boards, councils, and commissions across the south. The six-member board followed the pattern established by the Pike County Commission which expanded from four to six members to comply with the order.
There have been 17 superintendents, to date, and one interim. The superintendency has fluctuated several times over the years from being appointed, the original selection method, to direct popular vote. The current method of selection is appointed. The last time that the method of selection was changed from appointed to elected was in 1974. In 2004, the method was changed back to appointed at the request of the local board and by action of the Alabama Legislature.
Ansley High School
Antioch P.S.
County Line School - Pike County and Coffee County line three miles south of Hopewell Church
Cross Roads P.S.
Ebenezer P.S.
Good Hope P.S.
Harmony School - 1901 - Harmony, Alabama
Henderson School - 1911 - 1931; School burned in 1931
Holley Spring P.S.
Hussey School at Westminister 1910
Josie School - 1906 - 1922
McWaters School - Southern Pike County
Mossy Grove School - 1856 - 1920
Mt. Carmel P.S.
Mt. Nebo P.S.
Mt. Zion School - One mile north of current Town of Goshen - Closed in 1920s
Oak Grove School - 1870s
Old Hepzibah School
Old Vaughn School - 1900 - 1930, Near Banks
Palmyra School - 1927
Pea River School - 1919
Pike County Training School - Combined with Pike County H.S. in 1970 (Hillcrest School
Pleasant Ridge P.S.
Reeves Cross Roads School - 1918 - 1948, Tennille Hwy below Springfield Church
Pike County Training School - Combined with Pike County H.S. in 1970 (Hillcrest School)
Pleasant Ridge P.S.
Reeves Cross Roads School - 1918 - 1948, Tennille Hwy below Springfield Church
Rodgers School - 1901 - 1934 , students attended school in Goshen upon consolidation
Shellhorn School - 1889 - 1992
Shellhorn High School
Shiloh P.S.
Springhill School - Springhill, Alabama 87 South, Closed 1992
Tarentum School - Southern Pike County, Closed 1955
Tolbert Training School - 1922 - 1933

The Pike County School board welcomes any information concerning its history. The list provided is clearly incomplete. Please feel free to submit any new information or corrections to the information above by e-mailing Dr. Mark Bazzell or calling the office of the superintendent at 334.566.1850.