Alternative Learning
The Pike County Alternative Learning Center (ALC) is located in Troy, Alabama on Dean Street near the School System's Operations and Technology Center. It is part of the Prevention and Support Annex for the Pike County School System.
As a positive alternative to suspending and/or expelling students, the basic philosophy of this program is that all students can learn and all students deserve the opportunity to learn. The Pike County School System Alternative Learning Center's program is designed with the belief that suspending and/or expelling students does not lead to any rehabilitation or development of appropriate decision-making skills, which will enable a person to become a functional adult.
The ultimate goal of the program will be to change patterns of inappropriate behavior by promoting competence in healthy, positive interactions with others.
The ALC is not intended to replace "regular school." The ALC does not provide the full range of educational opportunities, co-curricular activities, and extra-curricular activities found in the "regular school" setting. However, it does provide students with a last chance opportunity to continue their education. Students assigned to the ALC may not participate in "regular school" activities while completing their ALC assignment.
The ALC provides student access to the general curriculum using a variety of instructional methodologies including ACCESS and Plato.
In addition, the ALC provides a full range of services to students with special needs on a case-by-case basis.
The ALC is staffed with a certified teacher and instructional aide. The ALC also houses offices for school nurses, the school psychologists, school social worker (Community Outreach Specialist), Gifted and Talented staff, and the Administrative Assistant for Prevention and Support and Special Education Services.
Bringing these staff members together under one roof allows the school system to use a Holistic approach when assisting At-Risk students.

ALC Teacher
Phone: 334-566-1850 Ext 81109

Alternative Learning Center Instructional Aide
Phone: 334-566-1850 Ext: 81145

Truancy Intervention
Phone: 334-566-1850 Ext: 81143